Saturday, May 7, 2011

Iraqi Child in Acclaimed War Photo Tries to Move On

You must check out this front page NYTimes story from today. I know you get the M-F paper, so this might not be on your radar.

It shows the power of an image and narrative in a straight news story to communicate trauma and magnitude.

"The Iraq war delivered few singular images for the popular imagination, partly because the country was too dangerous for photographers to move around freely, but also because in an age of saturated media coverage and short attention spans, it may be more difficult for news images to take root in the collective memory."

Don't miss it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nearly 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism

Take a look at this list recently published by The Atlantic. It could be a good place to find pieces to post for those of you who have yet to choose your own assignment.